
Psychological symptoms in health care professions during COVID 19 pandemic

Psychological symptoms in health care professions during COVID 19 pandemic


In a new study it has been found that medical health care professionals are experiencing a psychological burden due to COVID-19 pandemic. People who are finding it hard to stay at home due to this disease should imagine their life as a doctor or a nurse. They are working day and night for the patients. Some of them are also separating their loved ones and sending them far away. They cannot find a shield home from coronavirus also.


They are suffering from anxiety of caring of sick people as well as caring for their family. Because of these mixed feelings, they are feeling loneliness which is much higher than what you are feeling, Dr. R.K. Suri Says.


So you should not be surprised about them facing mental health problems such as depression, stress, anxiety and insomnia. A new study which is published in the journal of the American Medical Association, expressed this risk.


It is a survey which examined 1257, health care workers who were attending COVID-19 patients in 34 hospitals in china. It stated that 50% of health care workers were having the symptoms of depression, 45% were having anxiety symptoms, 34% for insomnia and 71.5% are having symptoms of psychological distress.


Another study of United States founds that depression, anxiety and insomnia appeared to be the common results of high stress which was faced by the health COVID-19.


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The studied also founded that women and nurses were at a higher risk and reported severe symptoms because they were called to do extra emotional labor.


Medical health care professionals also are in fear that they may make their family sick because they were coming in close contact with the patients. They are experiencing a significant long term stress because they are at a higher risk of suffering from  COVID 19.


In Italy also doctors were having psychological distress when they had to choose to shift the patient on ventilator. As this type of decision may be heart breaking.


Many of them were also watching the patients die in front of them. This could be traumatic. Some may also end up with post-traumatic stress disorder or some other mental problems.


Some tips to promote mental health are:


  1. If you are feeling anxious, don’t feel alone. Talking to a psychologist can work.
  2. According to CDC(center for disease control and prevention), eating well balanced meals, regular exercise and getting a good quality sleep may help you staying away from psychological distress.
  3. Staying away from social media is also a sigh of relief. They should limit the intake by once a day. It should be skipped specially at waking up in the morning and at bedtime.
  4. Limiting the amount of caffeine and alcohol may also offer some help to them.
  5. Trying meditation for a few minutes a day also offers a great help in staying away from depression, stress, anxiety and specially insomnia.

People should send extra support by praising them during the pandemic. They should be honored for such lifesaving works at their personal risk and stigmatization or stigmatizing language should be avoided.

Covering the health care professionals, sanitation worker, essential  service providers be covered with good insurance sum by the Government.

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