
Is Porn addiction Real? Sex-Addiction Counseling

Is Porn addiction Real? Sex-Addiction Counseling


The Handbook of Mental Health Disorders (DSM-5), the world's most instructive guide on psychological disorders, states that pornography and sex addictions are not psychological disorders.  But does this mean that pornography isn't addictive and that people can't become addicted to it? Certainly not, the fact that something has not been "recognized The Handbook of Mental Health Disorders (DSM-5), the world's most instructive guide on psychological disorders, states that pornography and sex addictions are not psychological disorders.

According to specialists, porn generates the same pleasure circuits in the brain as alcohol or heroin. However, experts discovered that it is not this activation that leads to addiction. For instance,  while alcohol does activate the same pleasure circuits as porn, it also changes the brain's chemical composition. Porn does not do this because it is not a chemical substance. However, this does not rule out the possibility of addiction.

“Sex addiction” is a compulsive need to perform sexual acts in order to achieve the kind of “fix” that a person with alcohol use alcohol abuse gets from a drink or someone with substance abuse gets from using opiates.

People, like many other aspects of our lives, can develop compulsive, recurring, and obsessive attachments to pornographic material, especially if porn is used to relieve anxiety or fill a sense of loneliness. While accessing pornographic materials is not inherently dangerous, many people find it difficult to stop. Even so, the mental health community has yet to recognize porn addiction, like drug or alcohol addiction, as a real, diagnosable mental health condition. It’s recommended to consult India’s top sexologist and relationship counselor at Psychowellness Center, Dwarka, and New Delhi to understand sexual addiction and sexual dysfunction and take cognitive behavior therapy.


What are the Signs & Symptoms of Sex Addiction?

An important characteristic of sex addiction is the secrecy of behaviors, in which the person with the disorder becomes skilled in hiding their behavior and often keeps it secret from friends, spouses, partners, and family members. The most important signs and symptoms show some or all of the following signs:

  • Chronic, pervasive, intrusive obsessive sexual thoughts and fantasies
  • Compulsive encounters with multiple partners, including strangers
  • Excessive lying to cover behaviors
  • Preoccupation with sex that hampers daily life, productivity, work performance, etc. 
  • Inability to stop or control the sexual behaviors
  • Risky sexual behavior
  • Feeling remorse or guilt after sex


How to Tell If a Thoroughly enjoyed One Has a Porn Addiction

It is difficult to tell if someone’s spouse or partner is addicted to pornography.  Researchers have attempted to classify and rate the disorder in order to better understand it. Here are a few survey methods for determining whether a thoroughly enjoyed one has a porn addiction.

You've caught them watching porn several times

You may have caught your partner or a loved one watching pornography? Was it at odd hours, such as right before dinner, or while they were working, if this is the case, it could be a sign that they are developing a disorder. If your loved one spends an inordinate amount of time-consuming media and engaging in sexual urges, they may have a porn addiction.

Addiction is characterized by a pattern of responding to irresistible cravings. Wanting and seeking X-rated screen time despite the fact that it may seriously damage their marriage, relationships, and careers.

When individuals bring it up, they either overreact out or hide it

Anger, denial, or avoidance of a subject is all signs of a problem. It is common for people suffering from behavioral and substance use disorders to avoid discussing their condition.

Others simply deny it outright. Some people become irritated and annoyed. Anger, denial, and avoidance are defense mechanisms used to keep unpleasant emotions out of our conscious minds. By admitting that they may have a problem, the user recognizes and accepts that their behavior is not acceptable and must be stopped. This can result in a great deal of stress, pain, and anxiety; feelings that most people hate to face.

They appear to have lost their sexual drive or attraction.

A loss of sex drive is one of the most common symptoms of porn addiction. Overexposure to circular videos can lead to unrealistic beauty and sex expectations. Individuals who consume media expect their partners to be as hot and experienced as the actors they see on their screens. They lose interest when they realize that what they have in real life does not meet their unrealistic standards. They return to their screens rather than engaging with their partners or others. The problem with pornography is that the majority of it is staged.

In the bedroom, your loved one is more demanding.

If the shift is abrupt and you've noticed a combination of the above signs, it could be a red flag. People suffering from porn addiction find their "regular" sex life unsatisfying. They crave adventure in the bedroom, even if it means risking their partner's comfort. They are easily irritated when things do not go their way and can appear to be overly demanding. 

Treatment or Therapies of Sexual Addiction  

Psychotherapy can assist a person in understanding their relationship with porn, identifying unmet sexual needs, and developing coping strategies for psychological distress. Cognitive behavior therapies are provided by the Best Clinical Psychologist in India at TalktoAngel India's No. 1 Online Mental health & Wellbeing Platform. 

Couples counseling can help partners discuss their values, determine whether porn has a place in their relationship, and cultivate deeper trust you can consult a leading Couple Counselor at TalktoAngel India's No. 1 Online Counselling Mental health & Wellbeing Platform. 

Medication: Pornography can be used to cope with another condition. Medication may aid in the treatment of the underlying problem, you can take medication by consulting with top Online Psychiatrists. 

Changes in lifestyle: Some people use pornography out of boredom or exhaustion. Spending less time on the computer may be part of a healthier lifestyle. You can identify healthy habits and forgo unhealthy habits.