
How to Make a Positive Good First Impression

How to Make a Positive Good First Impression


Do you realise that just a glance at someone's face is enough to create the first impression? Studies show that it takes just 33 to 100 milliseconds for a person to make a judgement on your personality. This short period of time is not enough to be able to assess the character of a person. It's normal for us to form assumptions about people the moment we meet them for the first time. We also become entangled with our initial impressions of people and find it hard to shift our perception. Even when presented with opposing evidence. The old saying goes, you will never have a second chance to impress your clients, so make a good impression on your first time.

What are first impressions?

First impressions are often the instant conclusions we draw after meeting people in the very first place. We come to this conclusion by quickly absorbing details about someone that includes their face clothing, attire, posture, voice and tone.

We form an unintentionally accurate perception of the qualities of people at the time we first meet them. Some of the traits we look for include the person's honesty, friendliness, confidence, trustworthiness, as well as competence. A first impression can become a filter that we will use throughout our interactions with the person. It isn't easy to alter someone's initial impression about us.

Tips for creating a good first impression while you are meeting someone for the first time.

1. Eye contact

Contact with the eyes is considered a non-verbal way of communicating. The act of making eye contact is seen as a sign of honesty and also a method to show respect to the person you're speaking to. Staying in contact also indicates that you are paying attentively to the other person and observing what they're talking about. Try to establish eye contact prior to beginning your conversation and keep eye contact throughout your conversation. But, you have to be aware of the distinction in eye contact and looking someone down.

2. Smile

A genuine smile makes individuals at ease, and helps them feel comfortable. A genuine smile is able to reach your eyes and gives an image of confidence and genuineness. If your smile is able to reach your face, then it can be visible even if you wear masks. If you are feeling tension in your life and have difficulty in keeping oneself positive and have a smiling face, you can seek online counseling from Top psychologists in India at TalktoAngel. 

3. Wearing a dress appropriate to situation

The clothes you put on, contribute to the first impression you make. People are influenced by your look, regardless of whether or not they are aware of that, and whether or not they believe that appearance is important. The point is that what you put on can have a direct impact on your appearance. You must ensure that your attire is appropriate to the occasion. Dressing casually for an interview can give an impression that you're not focused on the job.

4. Be authentic

People are remarkably quick to spot a lack of sincerity, which is why it's important to be genuine. Always be concerned about whether you're telling the truth. If not it is perceived as insincerity. Being authentic is knowing what your weaknesses and strengths are, and conveying them in a respectful manner.

5. Be a good communicator

A great communicator is one who listens more than they speak. The best way to do this is to talk about one-third of what you listen to. The more you listen, the more you're paying attention and making the other person feel heard. People will always remember how they felt. If you speak effectively and are attentive the people will be delighted by your interactions with them.

6. Make use of positive body language

Body language is a major component of communicating. A few basic guidelines for using positive body language include:

  • Make sure you sit or stand straight and keep your head high. You'll appear confident and comfortable.

  • Don't cross your legs or arms. The subconsciously shuts you off from other people.

  • Give your hand an effective, firm handshake that is firm but not abrasive.

7. Be empathetic

Be attentive to the emotional well-being of the person you're speaking to. Being able to empathize with someone can lead to a strong bond. It shows that you can understand their emotional needs.

8. Do your homework and be prepared

A little research can aid you in understanding the context and the setting you'll be in. It will help you dress appropriately and help you learn the appropriate language and formalities which are suitable. It is also possible that you find information on other people to begin a conversation with them. Making preparations in advance will help you feel more relaxed and also prove that you're keen and committed.

9. Be confident and act with confidence

Believing in yourself, even when you're not feeling it. Have trust in yourself, it will give the image of confidence. The appearance of confidence will help create a positive first impression. Seek Online counseling from the Best psychologist delhi to build confidence. You can even take good advice from the top Counselling psychologist near you.

Your first impression will be memorable

A first impression that is well-crafted will bring many advantages. It will give you advantages both in the short- and long-term, in both your professional and personal life. These guidelines can put you on the right path towards mastering making the perfect first impression. By paying attention to details and practice, you'll be able to create a lasting impression. All for the right reasons.

If you need help and assistance in acquiring these and other abilities, contact a Therapists in delhi or search for the Best psychologist near me. They will assist you to succeed.

Additionally, you may schedule an appointment with the top professional psychologists and receive Mental health counseling at the Psychowellness Centre, which has many locations in Delhi NCR, NOIDA, Faridabad, Janakpuri, Dwarka, and Vasant Vihar.

Contribution: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical Psychologist, life coach & mentor TalktoAngel & Mr. Utkarsh Yadav, Psychologist.