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An Overview

Psychosexual issue is a sexual problem or sexual dysfunction which is more psychological in nature. Sexual dysfunction causes include excessive worry, depression, stress, anxiety, nervousness, fear, trauma and other similar causes. It is good to take sexual dysfunction treatment with good sexologist for any type of sexual issues or loss of sexual desire. Sexual problem can vary in severity and intensity some can be minor and temporary whereas others have been around for a long time.

How Therapy Works

The therapy emphasises education about sexual functioning, assisting couples to communicate better and correcting dysfunctional attitudes about sex that one or both partners may hold.


Psychological therapy can help you understand the origins of psychosexual difficulties. Often therapy is likely to focus on the underlying causes of the sexual difficulties, some guidance is also offered about strategies for managing some of the difficulties you might be struggling with.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Physical and emotional causes of sexual dysfunction need to be considered during the assessment of sexual dysfunction.


Many psychological factors may have an influence on sexual function; Relationship problems between the two people, different levels of sex drive, inexperience and ignorance, anxiety resulting from earlier experiences, performance anxiety and depression.

Signs & Symptoms

Examples of psychosexual issues are:

  • Loss of sexual desire.
  • Painful intercourse.
  • Difficulties with orgasm.
  • Arousal disorders.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Premature or delayed ejaculation.
  • General breakdown in a couple’s sexual relationship.


They are classified initially into two major groups, that where sexual inadequacy is the prime problem and that where sexual deviation is the prime problem.

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