Addiction is a prolonged disorder with social, psychological, biological, and environmental factors influencing its development and continuance. Thus, an individual in addiction state engages in use of a substance or in a behavior for it’s rewarding effects and repeatedly pursues the behavior despite harmful consequences. Since addiction is a disorder it requires proper attention and treated best by taking proper sessions and counseling with psychologist. Best addiction counseling in west delhi is given at psychowellnesscenter which has team of highly experienced professionals who gives best counseling and de-addiction therapy. Addiction Therapy guides individual about ways on how to quit addiction and take first step towards freedom. This re-programming of an individual is called as Motivational Empowerment Therapy likewise more such therapies and counseling techniques are used to free individual from addictive behavior.
DSM is a detailed guideline that professionals use to diagnose various types of disorders. Moreover, if the symptoms continue for more than three weeks it can an alarming sign. The extent of the addiction is then determined and accordingly, treatment plan is suggested.
At our center, we shall first understand the origin and causes of addiction. Using various modalities we shall design an intervention plan customized to your unique needs and personality. In case of addictions, there is almost in all cases a void that the person is trying to fill and replaces it with addiction. Understanding the void we shall decide the healthy alternate behavior to replace the addictive behavior. De-addiction program is carefully woven multiple sessions and ensures relapse prevention.
Therapy guides you to find the reasons and benefits of quitting the addictive behavior. Once you understand how life will change positively by overcoming addictive needs and how it will empower you to create the missing elements in your life, you will take the first step towards freedom. This conscious re-programming is done Motivational Empowerment therapy. Secondly, the therapy will focus on introducing tools to remain certain in one’s decision and further finding and adopting positive ways to fulfill the need that earlier addictive habit was fulfilling. E.g. A person was forced into addiction due to his break-up , so addiction was filling his need to be loved. Later, he was guided to adopt hobbies that made him feel loved and are empowering as well, e.g. spending time with nature.
1.Substance Abuse – It is described as repetitive use of a substance in a way that is damaging for an individual and can lead to dependence on the substance. Dependence involves developing a tolerance for the substance over time which means that to have the same effect that s/he had in the past they need to keep increasing the dosage of the substance. Examples of substances that are often misused include:
2.Behavioural addictions – Behaviors can also become addictive. Similar to substances, behaviours become addictive when used excessively to help the person cope with difficult thoughts and feelings. Examples of addictive behaviours include compulsive shopping, gambling, pornography, internet, eating and others.
3.Internet Social Media Addiction- The usage of Whats app, FB, Twitter, etc., and excessively getting hooked to social media hampering the functioning.