
Working Styles and Team Behaviour

Working Styles and Team Behaviour


Collaboration in the workplace is not always easy. But, it can be very beneficial to bring diverse minds together. Collaboration leads to greater productivity, creativity, growth, and innovation. However, there are often many personality types and work styles in every workplace. While there are occasions when this diversity can cause miscommunication and conflict, it often leads to decrease in creativity and inefficient solutions. This article will discuss common work styles and show you how to fit into a team or how to guide a team. You can learn more about different work styles and discover your own approach to becoming a better collaborator and team member. You'll be able to motivate your team members and help them achieve their goals.

Why is it important?

The work styles are the different ways people do their work. It's crucial to be a leader and reflect on your work style so that your team can understand it. Your team members will only be able to work together effectively and produce the best results if they do.

You can improve your interaction with colleagues who work in a different way than you by becoming aware of your working style. Understanding how your colleagues approach problems can help you to communicate with them in a more positive way. You can also learn from your biases and habits how you interact with your co-workers to improve your performance as an employee and member of the team.

It is important to know what you enjoy doing and how it helps you choose the right career path. You can use your natural talents to excel at planning and preparation to pursue the roles you love.

Types of Working Style

Before you can identify the working styles of your colleagues, it is important to first understand yourself. This will enable you to recognize and eliminate any biases that you might have about your work, as well as help you assist your team members.

1. Independent or Logical

Doers are independent or logical members of a team who need their own space to accomplish great work. You prefer to tackle problems alone, so you don't like micro-management and supervision. Problem framing is a skill that you have mastered. You can analyze an obstacle to find a solution and then formulate logical, well-thought-out solutions. These often lead to innovative and visionary solutions that provide a lot of value. This lone-wolf approach can make it difficult to work in a team. It is possible to feel distracted by instructions and idea sharing. This can lead to a lack in planning and communication.

2. Cooperative

The cooperative worker is at the other end of the spectrum. You enjoy working in a team and love to receive feedback. Instead of writing down your thoughts in a notebook, it is more fun to communicate them verbally with the group and help them develop. This is why cooperative team members are great at communicating.

Individuals who work cooperatively are often more successful than those who work independently. You may not feel as creative without team interaction, and ideas may not flow as naturally without collaboration.

3. Proximity

You value your autonomy but don't want to compromise collaboration when you work in proximity. It may be that you prefer to work on a task yourself and then return to your team to receive feedback. This style allows for autonomy and doesn't require them to be isolated from their team. This style is also a great way to get help and socialize, making it one of the most flexible work styles.

There is not much that a team member can do with their proximity, but not all work environments allow for this kind of interaction. A spreadsheet doesn't usually have a "collaboration" stage, just like a team meeting does not always allow for time to think and do nothing.

4. Supportive

Consider the people who are most compassionate in your team. They are likely to have supportive work styles. Team members who are supportive strive to build strong relationships and increase team morale. You can be a great mediator and peacemaker in times of conflict.

The superpower of supportive team members is their emotional sensitivity. You'll notice if someone in your team is having a rough day or struggling to finish tasks. They can be trusted to spot an unspoken issue that may feel like tension at the moment.

5. Detail-oriented

The detail-oriented worker is the best choice if you are looking for someone who can cross every "t" and dots every "i". These people are also known as learners. They can read all the fine print and understand everything. This style is for you if you are a strategic thinker and data-oriented. You will be able to see the small details that can lead to bigger problems down the line.

To minimize risk, you can trust a detail-oriented member of your team to correct errors before they reach the boss' desk. You value accuracy, especially in grammar and wording. There's no room for error. It can be overwhelming to focus on detail. Although there is no perfect solution, detail-oriented workers are not satisfied with anything less than perfection. You can quickly feel burnout and fatigue. This can also slow down a project's progress.

6. Idea-oriented

The idea-oriented work style is the opposite of detail-oriented. These big-picture thinkers are able to facilitate large-scale changes. You can put down the magnifying glasses and grab the telescope. Although idea-oriented team members can inspire others to think outside of the box, they don't have the ability to organize details. This is a highly unstructured work environment that places the majority of the work on those who are more proficient at planning.

It can be difficult to determine which work style is right for you, as they are often unconscious. We mentioned that not everyone will fit neatly into each of these work styles. Others may combine several of these styles. Your work style is largely determined by how you organize your day and deal with conflict.

How can the Employees Assistance Program help?

Each employee has a different work style and it might get affected by personal problems, low motivation, stress, workplace burnout and workplace issues. In an effort to cope with these problems, they may use more sick days. These absences can have severe consequences for their work style and overall productivity of the employee and the organisation.

An EAP, or workplace wellness program, at TalktoAngel Asia's leading mental health and wellbeing platform is designed to improve your employees' performance and help them solve personal problems. This program provides confidential, short-term support for a range of issues including legal, financial, and mental.

If you would like to learn more about how to improve working styles of  employees and how to overcome absenteeism and loss of morale and live mindfully, seeking consultation for EAP Counselling with the Best Clinical Psychologists or Best Psychiatrists will help you to understand your emotions, thoughts,  and behavior and enable you to understand better your depression, and anxiety, stress, and healthy behavioral skills to overcome alcohol abuse. You can also meet in the clinic with the best clinical psychologists & parenting coaches at Psychowellness Center, a multi-location clinic at Janakpuri, Dwarka, VasantVihar, Gurgaon, NOIDA, Faridabad, and Delhi NCR.

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Contributed By:- Dr (Prof) R K Suri Clinical Psychologist  & Wellness Coach & Utkarsh Yadav