
Ways to Reduce Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms

Ways to Reduce Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms


If you're suffering from major depression, an antidepressant could be life-saving both literally and metaphorically. However, there might be a point when you're feeling more positive and ready to live a life without it. If you're experiencing this, just make sure you consult your physician first. Why? In addition, to being aware of any recurrence of symptoms, discontinuation of antidepressants can trigger withdrawal symptoms when there is a significant change in the quantity of medication in your system or when you abruptly quit taking them altogether. To learn more about different ways to reduce antidepressant withdrawal, seek online consultation for medication with the best psychiatrist in India for therapies with a Top Psychologist in India at TalktoAngel Asia Pacific's No. 1 mental Health Wellbeing Platform.

Although these symptoms aren't life-threatening, they can be uncomfortable. Your doctor or psychiatrist near me may design a schedule for you to gradually decrease the medication you are taking to reduce or prevent the development of withdrawal syndrome.

Symptoms from Antidepressant discontinuation Syndrome

Signs of antidepressant withdrawal are usually mild. They typically start between two and four days and last for an entire week. Symptoms may include:

  • Flu-like symptoms include fatigue and sweating, achiness, headaches, and feeling tired.
  • Insomnia can occur with nightmares or vivid dreams
  • Nausea: feeling sick, and possible vomiting
  • Balance issues, such as: dizziness and vertigo (a spinning or tilting sensation)
  • Sensory disturbances, such as burning, tingling, or feeling like you're being stunned
  • Feeling Anxiety, emotional issues, or irritability.

Discontinuation vs. Relapse

For some, discontinuation symptoms can appear as if anxiety or depression is returning, and in fact, the stopping of your antidepressant could increase your risk of getting relapsed. Due to this, it is important to differentiate the difference between discontinuation symptoms and the possibility of relapse.

The main difference between them is that withdrawal symptoms usually start within a few days after you stop taking your antidepressant, whereas the relapse is usually slower to manifest and symptoms will develop more slowly.

But before you stop using antidepressants, it's essential to consult your doctor or mental health expert. Certain medications can increase the risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Your doctor can assess your dosage of prescription medication and develop a strategy for you to decrease your medication.

Strategies to decrease Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms

Here are some suggestions to reduce withdrawal symptoms and to get relief if it happens to you.

  • Exercise

Exercise can benefit people with moderate to severe depression. Regular exercise can improve physical fitness as well as mental outlook. One can also participate in physical activities alongside medications without any side negative effects. Exercise can increase motivation, energy levels, and general depression symptoms. A 2017 study suggests that regular physical activity can help to prevent depression. Furthermore, exercising in a group could inspire an individual more than doing it by themselves.

  • Mindfulness and yoga

Some people suffering from depression may have less anxiety and depression when they participate in mindfulness and yoga sessions more frequently. A study in 2016 of college students revealed an increase in symptoms of depression or anxiety when participating in either. The person will also be able to perform better when they are part of groups to learn the correct techniques from an experienced and knowledgeable instructor.

  • Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salts comprise a mineral compound that contains sulfur, magnesium, and oxygen. When bathed in a warm bath they permit magnesium to easily absorb through the skin, which induces a feeling of peace and peace. According to research published in the journal Neuropharmacology, magnesium deficiencies can cause anxiety. That's why magnesium is known as the original chill pill.

  • Use mood tracker

A mood tracker can help you monitor the way you feel when you begin to taper. Tracking your mood throughout the day will help you communicate with your physician if you experience any withdrawal symptoms. It can aid in determining whether you are experiencing a return of depression.

If you've been taking SSRI drugs and would like to take them off, it is crucial to not make the decision yourself. If you're not satisfied with your treatment program for anxiety or depression and do not wish to be taking medication anymore, look to a professional for help instead of managing the problem by yourself. A therapist with help can assist determine if you possess the life skills and coping abilities that are required to quit SSRI drugs. With the help of your doctor, they can also assist you in removing the medication with ease while in a secure and controlled environment.

Therapy Online with Best Clinical Psychologist near me

Psychotherapy, as well as other talk therapies, can be helpful in the treatment of depression. Talk therapy from a psychologist or an Online Counsellor can assist a person to recognize the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that are associated with depression and alter the way they think, feel and behave. Therapy can take place in a private session with a trained, licensed expert or through an Online Counselling session and also with other people in a group who have been through similar situations. Individuals may use talk therapy in conjunction with medication or as an alternative treatment intervention. These sessions may also incorporate cognitive behavior therapy as well as family-focused therapy. They can aid in the creation of safety plans for someone who is suffering from self-harming thoughts.

If you consider that you or your near and dear are having challenges with withdrawal symptoms on reduction of antidepressants, you may consult Best Clinical Psychologist in India and the Best Psychiatrist at the multiplication clinic Psychowellness Center at Dwarka, Janakpuri, Gurgaon, Vasant Vihar, Faridabad, and Delhi NCR.


Contributed By:- Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Mr. Utkarsh Yadav