
Teen Suicide: What Are Warning Signs?

Teen Suicide: What Are Warning Signs?


Teenagers who intentionally kill themselves are committing suicide. The term for this is suicidal thoughts. Additionally, he or she might act suicidal. A teen is therefore motivated to take actions that will result in their own demise.

The third most common cause of death among young people aged 15 to 24 is suicide. CDC data suggests that:

  • Suicide is four times more likely to kill boys than girls.
  • Girls attempt suicide more frequently than guys do.
  • Over 50% of student suicides contain a gun.

Teens who attempt or die by suicide frequently suffer from mental health issues. They consequently struggle to handle the pressures of being an adolescent, such as coping with rejection, disappointment, failed relationships, academic challenges, and family conflict. They might also be unable to recognize that they have the power to change their circumstances and that suicide is a long-term response rather than a momentary fix to a problem. Learn more about teen suicide issues from the best Clinical Psychologist near me at TalktoAngel.

Signs and symptoms of teen suicide

  • Sadness (with or without weeping) (or without crying)
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of motivation or energy
  • Temper Tantrums and violent outbursts
  • Easily annoyed
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Lack of appetite, excessive eating, or both
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Loss of interest in normally enjoyable activities (including school activities)
  • Emotions of dread (even if there is no conscious reason)
  • Intense remorse or shameful feelings
  • Inability to pay attention
  • Bad memory
  • A rise in alcohol or drug consumption
  • Decreased grades
  • Skipping lessons or school
  • Self-deprecating statements
  • Feeling unable to influence a situation
  • There is a thought that nothing is going to improve
  • Observation(s) on death or dying
  • Writing, creating art or enjoying music that deals with gloom, violence, or death

  • Making a suicide threat

Risk factors for teen suicide

How is a teen's suicidal behavior diagnosed?

Suicide threats are a cry for assistance. We always take such claims, ideas, actions, or plans extremely seriously. Any youngster who is having suicidal thoughts should be evaluated as soon as their parents become aware of them. Speak with the doctor who treats your teen. Teens who have attempted suicide should get a physical examination first to rule out any serious health issues. Then, until he or she reaches a stable state, they should receive a mental health assessment and treatment. For the child's safety, this frequently occurs at an inpatient facility. 

Tips to support your teen

  • Keep the door open. Remind them that you are accessible for conversation at any time and that they can rely on you. Inform them that if any of their peers exhibit suicidal behavior, they should come to you as a trusted adult.
  • Don't criticize; just empathize. Let them know that you are sympathetic and that you recognize how tough their situation is. Appreciate their faith in you.
  • Don't downplay how they are feeling. Stay away from expressions like "Just be positive" and "Keep going." Instead, respond, "How can I help you? You've got this. ”
  • Talk about suicide and mental health. Stop waiting for your teen to approach you. Ask what went wrong and offer your assistance if you’re teen seems to be struggling or is sad, anxious, depressed, or struggling.
  • Be considerate, compassionate, aware, and watchful of your child as they might be showing some suicidal warning signs and symptoms. Be watchful of the actions and behavior your child is going through, be patient, and listen to what they say. Don’t ignore the threats, calling it a drama.
  • Encourage the community. Encourage your teen to interact with encouraging family members and friends.
  • Promote leading a healthy lifestyle. Encourage your teen to eat healthily, exercise, and get enough sleep.
  • Support the course of treatment or teen therapy. Help the teen in taking counseling sessions and ask them if they feel much better with therapy if they want to go for one. Encourage your teen to abide with the advice of his or her physician. Encourage your teen to take part in activities that will boost confidence as well.
  • Support System at School & College: There are a number of problems young adolescents going through in school or college, which need immediate attention from the educational authorities. The support system at the school for mental health awareness, suicide prevention, identification of crucial incident and crisis intervention units, or engagement of online mental health counseling platforms would be of great help in reducing the incidence of suicide amongst teens.

Feel free to seek Online Counselling from the best online counselor at TalktoAngel Asia’s No. 1 Teen Counselling and Kid Care Platform.


If there are any warning signs please do not ignore them to ensure that the child or teen receives immediate medical attention, there are a number of organizations that can be contacted, these are mentioned below:

1. iCALL Hours: Mon—Sat, 10 AM—8 PM. Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil.  9152987821

2. KIRAN – 1800-599-0019 24*7 Mental Health Rehabilitation Helpline

3. SAATH – +91-79 26305544, 26300222/

4. CADABAMS HOSPITAL – 096111 94949/+91-9741 476 476

5. AASRA – +91 98204 66726


 Contributed By: Dr (Prof) R K Suri & DR. Sakshi Kochhar