
Pseudocyesis or False Pregnancy Counseling

Pseudocyesis or False Pregnancy Counseling


False pregnancy, also known as pseudocyesis, occurs when a woman believes she is pregnant but is not. Although testing will show there is no pregnancy, people with pseudocyesis have pregnancy-like symptoms. Medical professionals think that psychological and hormonal factors may be to blame.

False pregnancy, also known as pseudocyesis, occurs when a woman thinks she is pregnant when she is not. Another name for it is phantom pregnancy. When someone develops pseudocyesis, they have pregnancy-like symptoms. They are not, however, physically pregnant, and there is no embryo developing in their uterus, according to pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. It's a rare disorder, and medical professionals think that psychological and hormonal variables may contribute to its development.

Why some women get pseudocyesis during this time is unknown. However, the top three hypotheses are. According to some mental health professionals or Online Counsellors, it is related to having a strong desire for or fear of being pregnant. It's likely that this has an effect on the endocrine system, which leads to symptoms associated with pregnancy. Feel free to seek consultation from the best Psychologist near me at Talktoangel.

Another viewpoint focuses on granting wishes. Some mental health professionals believe that when a woman desperately wants to get pregnant, whether it's due to infertility, previous losses, or her desire to start a family, she could wrongly interpret some physical changes as being a telltale sign of pregnancy.

The third hypothesis centers on particular chemical changes in the nervous system that are linked to depressive illnesses.

A fake pregnancy frequently resembles pregnancy in all respects when there is no baby there. The woman is constantly certain that she is expecting a child.

A swollen abdomen that resembles a pregnant bulge is the most common physical symptom. The belly may begin to grow as the baby grows, just as it did during pregnancy. Despite not being caused by a baby, this belly growth happens during a fake pregnancy. Instead, it's believed to be caused by the development of:

  • Gas
  • Fat
  • Feces
  • Urine

Women's irregular menstrual cycles rank as the second most prevalent physical symptom. The majority of women who experienced pseudocyesis—between 55 and 75 percent—said they felt the baby move. Several women assert that they felt the baby kick even though there was never a baby there.

It can be difficult to distinguish some other symptoms, such as the ones listed below, from those that occur during a true pregnancy.

  • Morning sickness and vomiting
  • Lack of menstruation or amenorrhea
  • Tender breasts
  • Changes to breasts, including size and pigmentation
  • Lactation
  • Weight gain
  • Labor pains
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Inverted Bell Button
  • Increased appetite or craving
  • Enlargement of the uterus
  • Softening of the cervix
  • False labor

These symptoms can be so convincing that even medical professionals can be fooled.

The exact cause of pseudocyesis is unknown, however psychological and hormonal variables are thought to play a role. When a person exhibits physical symptoms of a condition without a clear medical cause, it may be labeled a somatic symptom disorder.

The following are a few causes of pseudocyesis or psychological pregnancy:

  • I really want to get pregnant.
  • Number of miscarriages
  • The death of a child.
  • Infertility.
  • Extreme anxiety about getting pregnant.
  • Either anxiety or depression.
  • Psychological harm.
  • Social ostracism
  • Sexual assault

The link between the mind and body is potent. Some medical professionals or best psychiatrist in India, think that the most typical reason for pseudocyesis is the desire to become pregnant. Because of their intense desire to become pregnant, some people may experience physiological pregnancy symptoms. Another issue that increases the chance of a fake pregnancy is depression brought on by infertility or miscarriage. To have a proper diagnosis, consultation with best clinical psychologist in Janakpuri, Dwarka, Vasant Vihar, Pitampura, Greater Kailash, Defense Colony,  Gurugram Faidabad, Noida, Delhi NCR.

Changes in a person's hormone levels might result from diseases including cancer, menopause, or uterine tumors. These hormonal alterations can resemble pregnancy symptoms like exhaustion, weight gain, and missed periods. Before identifying pseudocyesis, medical professionals may want to rule out certain illnesses. A strong desire to get pregnant might directly affect hormones and result in pregnancy symptoms.

Convincing a person they aren't pregnant is the first step in treatment. The use of ultrasound and other imaging techniques to demonstrate to the patient that there is no fetus developing inside their body is useful.

Medical disorders producing the symptoms of pregnancy will also need to be treated by healthcare professionals. Using hormone therapy, for instance, can assist someone in starting their period.

The majority of the time, pseudocyesis is handled as a psychological issue. Psychological counseling, behavioral treatment, and emotional support are all part of treating pseudocyesis. Healing depends on recognizing and dealing with the causes of the fake pregnancy.

A caring support network is necessary for those who have pseudocyesis. Most likely, helping your loved ones talk through their feelings would be beneficial. They are mourning the loss of a pregnancy and coping with a wide range of emotions, including trauma, rage, sadness, and grief. Being there for your buddy or partner and demonstrating your concern will help them heal.

Although the signs of pregnancy and pseudocyesis are remarkably similar, there is one significant distinction. When there is a false pregnancy, there is simply no baby. That's because there was never a concept, despite signs that could suggest otherwise. Consult your doctor if you are unsure or think you might be pregnant.

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Contributed by:- Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Ms Aditi Bharadwaj