
Maintaining an Emotional Bond with Your Child

Maintaining an Emotional Bond with Your Child


One of the most significant relationships we have in our lives may be our emotional connection to our children. It must be nurtured and developed as our children mature. With lots of physical contact during the baby and early years, parents and children really develop a special bond. That doesn't always persist as our children get older, and parents and adult children frequently discover that they are unable to emotionally connect with one another.

It will take effort from you to raise your child so that they feel a strong emotional connection to you. Initiating a deeper connection with your child as the mother will help you two feel more emotionally connected to one another.

Lack of emotional safety can cause neurological imbalances as well as improper social, emotional, and communication behaviors. Before emotional safety can develop, there must be "attachment" and "esteem." To know in depth about such a concept, seek support from the Best psychologist in India or Counseling psychologist.

Children will feel emotionally safe in their relationships with their parents if they feel a strong connection to them and if they think their parents value them highly. The "vibes" we send to our kids affect how secure they feel emotionally. Kids can express their emotions once they feel safe because they know they won't be judged for them. 

How to maintain emotional bond with your children

You should help your child develop a sense of emotional security and let them know they can come to you for any emotional support they need. To establish bonds with your child quickly, try the following activities under the guidance of an experienced Child psychologist or Therapists in delhi.

  1. Read to your children

One of the best activities for building a relationship with your child is reading. Studies have shown that having a story time ritual or a bedtime ritual actually activates certain brain regions involved in bonding and connection with the parent. 

Making frequent eye contact, reading while expressing a range of emotions, and cuddling with your child can all help to increase its impact.

  1. Play music together

There is no better medium than music to establish a connection between two people. Discover songs that both you and your child enjoy listening to. You can even create your own customized dance moves. The child's body and your own become more conscious as a result.

It's true that music can imprint in your child's mind strong, positive memories.

  1. Get outside.

One of the best things you can do to strengthen your relationship with your child is to take them outside. Spend the day at the park or take a trip to a nearby natural area that is easily available in wildlife. There are no electronic distractions, such as TV or phones, when you are outside, so you can spend quality time with your child. 

You'll notice the difference if you play games, arrange a romantic outdoor lunch, or simply take a road trip with your young child.

  1. Engage with Art

Give your child the freedom to express themselves through art and crafts. To teach your child that it's okay to let go occasionally, get your hands messy with paint and colored pencils. One of the most enjoyable things you can do at home to strengthen your relationship with your child is to plan a project with them. Take guidance from the best art therapist nearby you.

You and your child will both feel incredibly fulfilled when you complete a task together.

  1. Plan a Treasure Hunt

This is an activity that even young kids as young as two years old will find to be very enjoyable. Hide a beloved toy, then search for it with your child.The moment you find it, be ecstatic. The game of hide and seek is also entertaining. Allow your child to look for you; when they do, give them a ton of hugs and kisses to express your gratitude. 

Very quickly, your child will start making constant requests for it. 

  1. Dancing together

Negative emotions have no place when your body is moving and your attention is on the next thing to do. Let's imagine that you have just given your child some sound correction or that you are feeling a little frustrated because your child failed to finish their homework. It may cause some unfavorable feelings.

 Playing some music and just moving to it is the quickest way to get past this if you're wondering how to emotionally connect with your child after a minor unpleasant experience.

  1. Learn a new skill together 

There is absolutely no upper age limit for learning. So, trying to learn a new skill with your child is a great idea. For instance, you and your partner could take up playing an instrument. To give your child the impression that you are working on something together, you can even act out learning letters and numbers with him or her each time. 

Additionally, it introduces the youngster to the joys of learning new things.

  1. Try to find sensory activities

Nothing can establish a bond with your child more effectively than touch. You can develop new things with your child by using play dough, for instance. The mind can wander with no restrictions. Similar to this, engaging in sensory-rich activities like building sandcastles with your child or any other activity can help you two develop a close bond.

It can be challenging to parent. Make sure you and your child are having fun when you are together. It moves quickly by. The good news is that you can always set an example for your child to follow.

They genuinely want you there, despite the fact that it may seem like they are shoving you away. Keep trying.

Check out Online counseling platforms for support, healthy coping techniques, and maintaining an emotional connection with your child.

Another option is to schedule an appointment at the Psychowellness Centre, where renowned and certified psychologists offer professional mental health therapy. Our facility provides comprehensive help for a range of mental health problems and has sites in Delhi NCR, including Janakpuri, Dwarka, and Faridabad.

Contribution: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical Psychologist, life coach & mentor TalktoAngel & Ms. Swati Yadav, Psychologist.