Happiness – Sadness, Comfort – Discomfort, Good – Bad, Win – Lose are all alternating parts of life. Sometimes things will be in your favor and sometimes not. Whatever be the situation is life keeps moving. Life is all about facing different situations.
You all like your favorable situations and cherish them. But the opposite is not true. When situations are not in your favor and you are dealing with tough situations or difficulties in life you start cribbing. Many of you get depressed when you have to face difficult situations in life, many get overwhelmed by their favorable situations and commit mistakes. In a true sense, you should be grateful in happy times and calm in tough times. Except a few all have a habit of cribbing, expressing anger, and curse in bad times.
Good and bad are part of life, they will come and go alternatively. When you are enjoying a good phase of life doesn’t mislead. You should know to handle success. If you can’t handle success you will end up in difficulties. Similarly when you are facing difficult situations don’t feel sad and crib about it. Face it with strength and positivity. Tell yourself that these days will also pass. It is important to understand and accept this truth of alternating circles. Those who accept this truth are able to achieve prosperity and success in life.
Develop the ability to deal with all ups and downs in your life. People who know the art of living a joyful life will make their way to solutions despite all troubles. Whenever you have to deal with difficult situations have a comprehensive vision. People who have expanded viewpoints will make their way to problems. How big a problem is the best way to deal with it is expanded viewpoint.
History is proof that great men are those who faced problems with strength. Face all your problems with strength and firmness. Take your problems as opportunities, accept challenges thrown by life and deal with them with all your strength. Always remember it is your problems that make you strong. So have a fighting spirit in your life. Always tell yourself “you can do it”, “you will do it”, “you will face it”.
Psychologists as mental health care providers play a major role in understanding biological, behavioral, and social factors behind bullying. Dr. (Prof) R K Suri, the Senior Clinical Psychologist at Psychowellness Center, is a trained professional clinical psychologist, having more than 36 years of experience in all kinds of mental health issues and related therapeutic interventions. Discuss issues related to bullying with him. Your privacy is secured with him.
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