
Counseling for Gifted Children

Counseling for Gifted Children


An Online Counselor recognizes that an individual is complex and a composite of apparent paradoxes and thus does not want to make definitive statements that can be contested, as shown by their use of the qualifiers "seems" and "appears," for example, "It seems that Lisa is angry." and "It appears that David is underachieving as a way to get attention." If anything, gifted students are complex. However, pretending that we are ignorant of something when we are not is useless. Based on the study and clinical observation, we now know a lot more about the social-emotional problems that gifted students face. Knowing something in a scientific sense does not imply that it is absolute or that it applies to all situations in the same way. If this were to become the norm, we would have no knowledge. Understanding patterns and dispositions while acknowledging that there are exceptions to all we know about human behavior and development is what is meant by scientific knowledge. As our research advances, exceptions cease to be indicators of the lack of a knowledge base and instead become just that. The following observations are based on a combination of research and my personal observations and efforts from the last almost three decades.

  • Gifted students often have similar social skills to their peers.
  • Because of their high ability, they have social-emotional problems.
  • Being smart is not a virtue in our culture.
  • Gifted students' social and emotional needs are frequently met at the same time as their cognitive ones.
  • For gifted students, the adolescent years present the greatest social challenges.
  • These pupils face an additional social hurdle because they are gifted minority students.
  • Intelligence does not guarantee morality.
  • Kids that are gifted are not more likely to commit suicide than students in similar age groups.
  • Among the issues that gifted students frequently face are depression, anxiety, and isolation.
  • The self-concepts of gifted students are neither higher nor lower than those of their non-gifted-age counterparts.
  • The social demands of their non-talented peers are better understood by gifted pupils than vice versa.
  • Society simply conveys mixed messages to pupils about outstanding skills when it comes to intellectual ability.
  • Gifted students' underachievement in school is a result of various social-psychological difficulties.
  • Parents with gifted children don't always know what is best for them.
  • It's conceivable to be both gifted and impaired (or afflicted by a condition) at the same time.
  • Online Counselor is helpful to children as they grow in their academic environments. Students that are gifted receive less time and attention from counselors than average.

There is a lot of misinformation and anecdotal evidence about giftedness as well; even mental health specialists are susceptible to pseudoscientific claims on the subject. For instance, some child psychologists too readily accept excessive elation as a trait shared by those who are talented, despite the fact that there isn't much recent evidence to back up the claim.

People may mistakenly believe that someone cannot be gifted if they are not succeeding academically or that bright people never require assistance. Some people also think that gifted people are more likely to experience depression, but studies demonstrate that they are equally as, if not even more, well-adjusted than their counterparts in the general population.

In elementary schools, the majority of brilliant students are discovered through testing or teacher recommendations. The issue is that there isn't a single, accepted exam that schools employ to identify giftedness. Additionally, a lot of school systems don't test each pupil. They rely on teacher recommendations instead.

In order to draw attention to this apparent prejudice, a study that focuses on gifted education and special education for students of color in urban settings raises numerous thought-provoking questions. Will teachers view a youngster who has a lot of energy and can't sit still in class as gifted and enthusiastic about learning, or will they view the child negatively as having a behavioral issue or wanting to disturb the classroom environment?

The unfortunate truth is that people from marginalized backgrounds are underrepresented in gifted programs as a result of the existing system of diagnosing giftedness.

A specific need or disability may also be present in gifted people. Children who are gifted but also have one or more disabilities, such as learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, emotional/behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, or other impairments like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, can still achieve high levels of success (ADHD) need counseling for ADHD.

Therapists must be aware of "the combination of gifted and diagnostic symptomology." For instance, she argues that simply because a client is intelligent and has difficulty interacting with others, mental health practitioners shouldn't automatically assume that the client is autistic. Instead, she suggests probing further and examining whether the symptoms subside or disappear when the client is in a favorable environment, like being around people who share their interests.

The objective is to normalize the existence of many forms of brain circuitry. Although those who have this brain wiring may be outliers, it doesn't always mean that they are "broken." Being gifted or twice outstanding is only a characteristic of being human. Normalizing neurodiversity will inspire people to recognize their need for assistance through Online Counselling and give them the confidence to approach others to seek help from the Top Psychologist in India.

Online Counselor are excellent at identifying the specific requirements of clients, but unless they take into account all the variables, including a person's cognitive capacity, they risk misinterpreting the circumstances and the client's actual requirements.  India’s best online mental health platform has exclusive services for teen counseling, with an objective to provide counseling for issues like adolescent anger counselling, teen anxiety, teen depression, teen love,  teenage relationship issues, teenage bullying, teenage trauma,  emotional regulation, teenage grief and loss, self-confidence and self-esteem, parenting issues, LGBTQ+ Issues, etc.