Are you concerned about the emotional and mental health of your child these days? In order to help kids in this difficult time, you need to understand their mental state with patience.
The whole world is facing a tough time because of the current prevailing COVID crisis. Fear, panic, and distress are stuck in everyone’s mind. Situations like full family coming COVID positive, isolation period, to part with family, to lose freedom and fear of unstable future is impacting mind and brain of all. Not only adults but children and teenagers are also fearful and mentally disturbed by the current situation. Their mental and emotional health is getting badly impacted these days. It is important for parents to understand this instability of kids and teenagers.
But the problem is most of the time parents are unable to assess this problem of their kids. If kids and teenagers try to talk about their tension and restlessness parents don’t take it seriously. Most of the time parents ignore considering child’s mental or emotional health. If kids try to ask some questions rather than explaining and understanding their concern parents tell them to shut up. This behavior gives them the notion of ignorance by parents. Parents need to listen to every single thing their kids want to share these days. Spare some time for kids to understand their thought processes. Make them comfortable to share their feeling with you. As a parent, it is your responsibility to assess each and every thought of your children.
If you feel your kid needs a counselor or psychiatrist don’t hesitate to take professional help. Most of the time when kids' cases come to me parents are unaware of the mental or emotional suffering a kid is going through, says Dr.R.K.Suri. Parents should be concerned about their kids but only being concerned is not enough. Getting concerned makes you and your kids disturbed. Excessive concern and worry don’t help in solving problems instead make the situation worse. The solution is alertness. Parents should always be alert about their kid’s behavior.
If you notice fear, anxiety, and restlessness in your kid’s talk to them about positive things, make them have belief and faith. Your positive acts will boost them with positive energy and happiness.
Psychologists as mental health care providers play a major role in understanding biological, behavioral, and social factors behind bullying. Dr. (Prof) R K Suri, the Senior Clinical Psychologist at Psychowellness Center, is a trained professional clinical psychologist, having more than 36 years of experience in all kinds of mental health issues and related therapeutic interventions. Discuss issues related to bullying with him. Your privacy is secured with him.
Furthermore, TalkToAngel online mental health services under him put your needs first. Experts here can help you with flexible appointments, personalized and customized intervention plans all at the tip of your fingers.
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