
Why You Need Post Marriage Counseling ?

Why You Need Post Marriage Counseling ?


Post Marriage Counseling refers to the counseling offered to wedded couples by experts (psychologists) on the subject.


How does marriage counseling work?


 It aims to help the couple have a sustained, long-lasting and happy marriage. The purpose is achieved by bringing both the couples together and helping them engage in better communication, teaching them to learn better and more adaptable behavioral habits, making them more adaptive and compatible with each other, says Dr.R.K.Suri. Dr.R.K.Suri is a highly experienced psychologist in Delhi. He is a clinical psychologist and has expertise in giving marriage counseling. He has trained many professionals under his guidance. He and his team focus on increasing mental health awareness and giving the best treatment to people suffering from mental health issues. 


 In some sessions, each partner is also counseled and engaged separately and individually. Post marriage Counseling also helps the couple to adjust to new realities and the sudden changes in life. 


How does post marriage counseling help?


Post Marriage counseling usually helps an individual to keep realistic expectations from the relationship. Some couples who initially float in the bubble of wedded bliss find it extremely challenging to cope with the reality that follows the initial honeymoon phase. Many couples get married, thinking that marriage is a destination, whereas it is a journey that has just begun. Marital challenges are not exclusive to newlyweds but are also found in middle-aged couples.


What is the need for post marriage counseling?


Some individuals find it difficult to fully trust the other person (especially in cases of arranged marriages), to accept them fully. Many also have significant differences in beliefs, values, wants, wishes, etc. Some common issues in most marriages include excessive interference by in-laws, differences in the method of raising children, one of the partner’s addictions, infidelity, lack of intimacy, warmth or communication, emotional or physical abuse, etc. 


Just like any other counseling, post marriage counseling does not involve the simple give and take of advice but involves engaging both the partners in identifying the problems, understanding them, and taking each other’s point of view into consideration. Instead of pointing fingers at each other, they are taught to understand that the objective here is not to avoid or overlook all the problems in the relationship but to accept the discrepancies and work through them. Here, the emphasis is on the importance of viewing the other person as a partner more than an opponent. Post marriage counseling inculcates positive behavioral attitudes. 


Post-marital Counseling helps an individual to be okay even when things aren’t really going the way they would like them to be. Instead of focussing and fixating on what they do not have, they are shown a new perspective of what they still do. There is no one size fits all method for marriage counseling. Each individual and hence each couple is different in many ways and the techniques or the methods used by marriage counselors or marriage coaches. They understand the dynamics and the peculiarities of each relationship with detail and provide a sort of customized session, that is to say, that each session is different for each couple.


Benefits of post marriage counseling? 


Counseling after the marriage has many advantages. Post marriage counseling focuses on issues that are unseen but tend to pop up in marriage. Minor differences can be stopped and discussed with help of marriage counselors before they become major obstacles. Each partner thinks that he or she is right and seldom acknowledges their own faults. This stand-off leads to further tension. What is then needed is the intervention of a counselor who is obviously qualified, neutral and experienced.


The Kerala Women’s Commission (KWC) has recommended that the State government make pre- and post-marriage counseling compulsory in view of the rising number of divorce cases and psychological issues in families. “We have come across several cases where family members, especially women, are facing psychological issues,” KWC member E.M. Radha told The Hindu.


Post-Marriage Counseling can help couples who feel trapped, helpless, or even suffocated in their relationships by diving head-first into the problems instead of fixing them superficially. It can uncover the hidden potential of a relationship and can lead to a successful and happy married life!


If you are facing challenges in marriage, grab your phone and look for “ best marriage counselor near me “ or “ marriage counseling in Delhi “ and hop to the best marriage counselor to save your marriage. 


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Alaika Mishra

Alaika Mishra

Intern at Psychowellness Center