
What is Quarantine Brain and Ways to Get Out of It

What is Quarantine Brain and Ways to Get Out of It


We all are human beings and like socializing. Hanging out with friends, going out for parties, exploring new places, meeting new people, attending work meets, conferences, seminars are all part of our daily lives. COVID 19 has changed things for us from last year. Quarantine, isolation, and social distancing are what that has become part of our daily lives.


This COVID 19 has presented us with Quarantine Brain. Quarantine brain is basically a drowsy brain because of a change in routine. For example, now you experience no difference between weekend and office days. Because all seven days feel the same now. Earlier weekend use to be a relaxing day because five days you spend going to the office, schools, etc. Doing different work. That made weekends different days. But in the current scenario, you are at home all time. Your brain is following the common routine. This is what is making your brain feel quarantine brain effect. The covid patient has this quarantine brain effect more because they have to quarantine themselves in a room all alone. This makes their life more disturbed because they do everything in that single room till they are reported COVID negative.


Spending a long time at home is what humans are not used to it. And that if in a single room for 15 to 21 days makes it difficult. So this phase is impacting our cognitive skills a lot. Feeling low, stressed and anxious are common symptoms people are complaining about these days, says psychologist Dr. R.K. Suri.


People are getting anxious because the current situation is uncertain. When things will be normal when we will be able to meet friends and family when we will be able to go to work? All these uncertain questions are making people anxious and stressed. These common uncertainties and the common routines are hampering people's ability to think, remember, learn and reason. This is what we are calling as Quarantine brain.


Here are some ways to get out of quarantine brain.


  • Do not consume news much. Spend 15 minutes for news. Just watch some daily headlines to keep yourself updated. Watching the news all time makes you worry and anxious. Make you think about uncertainties more.


  • Spend time with yourself daily. That is your “me time”. Spare out at least  15 minutes for your me-time.


  • Practice mindfulness.


  • Engage yourself in activities you like. Take up any activity and start engaging daily.


  • Practice yoga and meditation daily.


Psychologists as mental health care providers play a major role in understanding biological, behavioral, and social factors behind bullying. Dr. (Prof) R K Suri, the Senior Clinical Psychologist at Psychowellness Center, is a trained professional clinical psychologist, having more than 36 years of experience in all kinds of mental health issues and related therapeutic interventions. Discuss issues related to bullying with him. Your privacy is secured with him.


Furthermore, TalkToAngel online mental health services under him put your needs first. Experts here can help you with flexible appointments, personalized and customized intervention plans all at the tip of your fingers.


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