
Ascendant Strengths of Having ADHD

Ascendant Strengths of Having ADHD


While growing up, almost everyone knew at least one child with an adventurous spirit. It’s that boy who sat in the back of the classroom, shooting airplanes across the room. The girl who fidgeted endlessly and was never able to sit calmly in her chair. The kid who always forgot to bring his homework to school, or forgot to do his homework, or never seemed to hear what the teacher was saying.

Many famous people have been associated with this trait. Historical speculations have included figures such as Andrew Carnegie, Christopher Columbus, Thomas Edison, Agatha Christie, and Pablo Picasso. Some superstars could also be seen as ranking high on the ADHD continuum, such as Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, performers Justin Timberlake and Whoopi Goldberg, and superstar basketball player Michael Jordan.

These people are passionate, curious, and energetic. They are great multitaskers and extraordinary explorers. They excel in times of challenge—war, an expedition, perhaps the Olympic Games. Throughout history, they have been selected for their extraordinary achievements—and we love them for it. ADHD can be a great strength.


Ascendant Strengths


Having ADHD is a real advantage; it confers upon you the following ascendant strengths:



High energy levels mean you can accomplish many things in a short amount of time. You might be able to do much more than many people do their entire lives—complete an advanced degree in half of the time taken by ordinary people or run some successful businesses simultaneously, for example.




You are a good prankster or a fun creator always and everywhere. Your fun-loving behavior makes you a superstar everywhere and brings joy, happiness, love, and laughter to your family, friends, and yourself.


Adventurous spirit


You’re always seeking new and awakening experiences. You tend to explore,
question, or challenge the status quo. And you typically live life without needless worry that you’re too old or too worn out to learn something new.

Need for high levels of stimulation


This strength drives some of the world’s most creative and intuitive people. Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is known to be ADHD. And, like David Neeleman, Branson claims that his ADHD makes him what he is: a guy who will take big risks, who goes against conventional thinking, and who loves intense physical challenges. It’s hard to argue with a self-made billionaire!

Divergent thinking


You tend to kick ideas around, offering suggestions, then modifying or embellishing
upon them. Your wandering mind helps you notice minute details which people miss generally. Your divergent thinking can create awesome connections between ideas.


Read also: Some Measures To Be Adopted By Parents To Prevent Adhd